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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Green Technology Expected to Rescue The Economy

A rising number of entrepreneurs are delving into a sea of green – a wave of opportunities in the green technology industry that have the potential of producing millions of green jobs. Although the world’s richest people cannot be expected to rescue the economy as the world gets ready to turn the corner into a new year, experts say green business leaders do have the potential of paving the way for a brighter economic future.
According to experts, the world’s wealthiest individuals actually are placing more of their focus on protecting their own assets in the slow-growth economy. For this reason, they are expected not to be as risk-taking in 2012 – at least not as risk-taking as is necessary to help to boost the economy.
Robert Frank, a Wall Street Journal writer who spoke recently at the Economist’s World in 2012 summit, said that millionaires throughout the world likely will have to pay more in taxes to help nations that are struggling with high debts.
In addition, Frank said he expected that the number of millionaires in Asia should be higher than the number of millionaires in the United States next year.
However, green technology is opening up several doors for aspiring entrepreneurs, and the work of these entrepreneurs should create many more job opportunities in America. Green businesses can be both cost-saving and money-making in that they provide green products and services that help customers to reduce their ecological footprints while saving on energy costs. Billions of dollars are wasted as people waste water, energy and other important resources.
Green companies also promote recycling, which further saves people money. Because of the increasing demand for green businesses’ offerings – such as clean energy and clean water – their money-making potential is high, which translates to more green job opportunities, thus getting more unemployed individuals back to work.
Small green businesses actually are more capable of creating new jobs faster than large companies can and thus should be at the forefront of leading America’s economic recovery through clean energy technologies and green employment opportunities, according to the Center for Small Business and the Environment.
The wealthy worldwide may be expected to be more cautious with their spending next year in light of the volatile economy, but the volatility of the market – combined with people’s growing realization of the need to save money and save their planet – should provide a breeding ground for green entrepreneurs to arise and make a difference. It’s a difference that can preserve the Earth, people's hopes of landing jobs, Americans’ wallets and subsequently the economy for coming years.

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