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Friday, September 9, 2011

Blackberry Bold 9900 Review

As the Bold 9900 is the latest smartphone from RIM, it is obviously also the greatest in a long line of QWERTY smartphones. Blackberry users will want to know how it performs as a Blackberry device, and others will want to know how it compares with other smartphones available on the market. We’ll go over all that, but let’s look at how RIM presents the Bold 9900: The “thinnest Blackberry yet”, with “liquid graphics” (whatever that means), “superior performance”, “captures life in HD”, “breakthrough technologies”. Those are… bold claims, but does the Blackberry Bold 9900 Series live up to the marketing pitch?
Before getting into the review, let me tell you how I use the phone so that you can see where I’m coming from, and why I see things the way I do. We all have different usage patterns, so dogmatic reviews are not that useful to many readers. Instead, I’ll try to give you a good sense of how (and why) things worked for me, and you should be able to figure out if that will work for yourself. If you have more questions by the end of this article, please drop a comment or some feedback. I’ll do my best to address them.

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