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Friday, September 23, 2011

Avatarland Coming to Disney!

Remember the videos of those people who pretended they were characters from the movie Avatar, dressing up with blue makeup and frolicking in some seedy forest? To this day, I’m not quite sure if it was a funny hoax, or they seriously wanted to commune with a fake planet Pandora. According to a recent press release, the cosplaying Pandora wannabes might want to put in an application with Disney soon, to do it full-time, for pay.
According to the Huffington Post, James Cameron, director of the record-breaking sci-fi fantasy movie, has penned a deal with none other than Disney, to build Avatar-themed attractions in their theme parks.
Wanting it to be an immersive experience, Disney is said to be including futuristic animatronics, holographs, and other 3-D type technologies to give you the feeling of being in the lush forests of the planet Pandora. Expect a number of life-like robotic animals to roam about, including the hammerheaded Titanothere, the slinky black Viperwolves, and the giant T-Rex cat-mix, the great Palulukan.
I can just see the just-right-timed photos of people as they exit the rides, caught in the moment as they swoop down on their mechanical Turok Leonoptryxes, colorful skies filling with floating mountains all around, ready to leap on the back of the biggest Turok of all alongside Jake Sully, and become Toruk Makto.
Construction is said to begin in 2013, and will run $400 million to create. Construction is likely to take a number of years, but take heart — in the meantime, Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 are set to be released in theaters in December of 2014 and 2015, respectively.
Can’t wait!

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