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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Aloe Medicine Plant

The aloe medicine plant is often used to relieve skin irritations. It is a succulent with fleshy, gray-green leaves that can grow up to a foot long. The leaves are lightly toothed along the margins and covered with irregular pale splotches. Young plants often have a fan-shaped growth pattern; mature plants take on a rosette form
The aloe medicine plant can be used to relieve burns and other skin irritations.

The popularity of the aloe medicine plant comes from the sap that can be extracted from its leaves and used to relieve burns, chapping, and other skin irritations.
Aloe Medicine Plant Quick Facts:
Scientific Name: Aloe barbadense (Aloe vera)
Common Names: Medicine Plant, Burn Plant, True Aloe
Light Requirement for Aloe Medicine Plant: Bright Light to Filtered Light
Water Requirement
for Aloe Medicine Plant: Drench, Let Dry
for Aloe Medicine Plant: Average Home
for Aloe Medicine Plant: House
for Aloe Medicine Plant: Balanced
Potting Mix
for Aloe Medicine Plant: Cactus
of Aloe Medicine Plant: Division
Decorative Use
for Aloe Medicine Plant: Floor, Table
Care Rating
for Aloe Medicine Plant: Very Easy
READ MORE - Aloe Medicine Plant

Lindsay Lohan: I Can't Deal with the Outside World!

Lindsay Lohan is suffering from post-incarceration syndrome ... courtesy of her friendly, neighborhood paparazzi.

Lindsay -- who is free to party in the outside world for the first time in more than a month -- is telling friends she's scared to leave home, largely because she thinks there's a bounty on her head in the paparazzi community.

So LiLo is planning to do the same thing she's been doing for the last 35 nights -- chill out, relax, and put her feet up ... in peace and quiet, in the company of sister Ali and a few buds.

READ MORE - Lindsay Lohan: I Can't Deal with the Outside World!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Brain Health Foods

Many of you have asked us for a simple list of the very best, proven natural foods & drinks for optimum brain health.
Ah, everyone loves lists these days, it seems. So while there are numerous natural foods, drinks, herbs and supplemental products that possess brain & body-enhancing properties, we've done the research for you and created a list of five all-natural, widely-available foods that we believe represent the BrainReady Top Brain Health Foods in the world.
How did we pick? Our list is based a variety of factors, ranging from overall proven health benefits (through multiple peer-reviewed, valid scientific studies from around the world over many years), our own experience here at BrainReady using these foods regularly, general reports from consumers of these foods over the years, proven safety and lack of contraindications from these foods, and general availability/ease of incorporation of these foods by the most people in most countries.
It's important to keep in mind that just because we didn't include a food like Turmeric or Sage or Walnuts in our Top 5, this doesn't mean that those foods aren't incredibly brain and health-friendly too; it's just that the foods in our Top 5 have been demonstrated to possess more 'yes' counts across our range of criteria, particularly brain health benefits.
So without further adieu, here are the BrainReady Top 5 Brain Health Foods worth considering adding to your diet if you haven't already (of course, make sure you don't have any contraindications with any of these foods by consulting your health care provider first if you're not sure). These are not listed in order of priority, as all are beneficial in different ways and via different mechanisms:

1) Wild Salmon

Wild salmon is not only an incredible food for brain health, it qualifies as incredible across virtually every other health standard as well and is clearly one of the healthiest foods that one can eat. Period. Wild salmon (not farm-raised) in particular is a true brain food: one of the best sources of Essential Fatty Acids (such as the all-important Omega-3), a rich source of high-quality non-land animal protein, low saturated fat, generally among the lowest amounts of contaminants (such as mercury) among seafood, and other health properties -- wild salmon can help do everything from improve your brain matter, your mood, your synaptic connections, your arteries, reduce your risk of stroke and Dementia and Alzheimer's and much more.
It's also important to know that only WILD salmon has been shown to contain the highest levels of the good stuff that your brain & body wild-caught fish grow and evolve their muscles, tissues and fat levels the hard way, fighting for survival of the fittest in the oceans and rivers. By contrast, many or most farm-raised salmon exist in a locked-up, artificial and sometimes contaminated environment and thus have to be fed food (or worse, color added later just before going to market!) to make them LOOK orange and healthy instead of white and sickly. Ewww!
While there ARE some good sustainable, eco-friendly, health-focused farmed salmon operations out there, I'll take my salmon fresh and wild and naturally orange in color, thank long as wild salmon remains a mostly non-endangered fish species (particularly in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska). Even if it costs more. Your brain and body are worth it.

2) Cacao Beans
cacaobeansWait, you mean chocolate, right? Hurray! I've been looking for an excuse to hit that vending machine and grab a candy has chocolate in it, so now it's actually healthy, right?
WRONG. Well, mostly wrong: what's healthy is the cacao bean, minimally processed. This amazing, hedonistic bean is one of the world's longest-revered foods (think 'time of the Aztecs' old) and has in recent years been shown to be a veritable powerhouse of cognitive enhancement, mood and bliss-enhancement (thanks in part to the Theobromine in cacao), antioxidants, flavonoids, catechins and many other brain & body-enhancing elements. In fact, chocolate has been very recently cited by some top health professionals and researchers to be THE single most exciting health food, and as more research continues to pour in, the more true this appears to be. And we discussed the health benefits of chocolate (and walnuts) in our BrainReady Blog feature recently 
How is this possible, something that only recently was thought of as an unhealthy, dangerous, guilty indulgence...a sign of dietary decadence, now being hailed as beneficial to everything from brain health to skin elasticity to cardiovascular health to anti-cancer and pretty much everything in between? It's simple: chocolate does not equal cacao bean, nor vice-versa; most candy and chocolate bars contain not only low levels of cacao bean compared to other unhealthy ingredients such as sugars, milk fat, artificial flavorings and so on, but the quality and processing of the cacao used in these products is often of low health benefits due to everything from alkalization (e.g. "Dutch process cocoa") to refining and processing and over-roasting the healthy elements right out of the beans.
So if you want the real stuff, the best bet is to either use 100% organic non -alkalized cocoa powder from a high-quality maker who minimally processes the cocoa to ensure that the health properties are retained, or, second best, choose only high cacao percentage dark chocolate bars (typically at least 75% cacao content or higher, but we suggest 85% or higher), also from a high-quality provider.
Here at BrainReady, we've found it easiest to just mix a large spoonful of 100% organic cocoa powder with a bit of espresso, organic unsweetened soy milk and some cinnamon, even a sprinkle of cayenne red pepper...yes, cayenne pepper!) in the morning (and sometimes again in the afternoon) to make a drink not unlike what the ancient Aztecs used to make: it's one tasty, brain & body-fueling drink that gives you your pure cacao bean dose without the sugars and milk fat, you get your protein from the soy milk, brain-enhancing (and blood sugar-stabilizing) cinnamon, a little brain-enhancing caffeine from the espresso and theobromine (plus more) from the chocolate, and a digestion, brain-enhancing and respiratory-enhancing kick from the cayenne pepper. No sweetener needed (sweet is overrated these days...but we'll save that topic for another BrainReady feature).
All that in one tasty drink that really gets you going!
In summary, yes: chocolate is a brain health food. Or more specifically, the cacao bean is a true brain health and body health food. And worth considering adding to your diet (barring any allergies to chocolate or contraindications, of course)!

3) Matcha (stone-ground Gyokuru green tea powder)

So those green tea bags at the office water cooler aren't the ultimate form of green tea? Do I need something better? What brand of tea bags ARE better?
Oh dear. Where to begin. If you're used to getting your tea from tea bags, you'll need to put aside notions of brands, tea bags, and tea in general for a moment and take a big step back: as we discussed in our BrainReady health feature on the health benefits of Matcha, Matcha -- which is the finely-ground powder of the highest-quality, most revered part of the shade-grown green tea plant (Gyokuru leaves...the very top part of the shade-grown green tea plant then dried to become"Tencha") carefully grown, selected, dried, stone-ground, processed and prepared according to an ancient Japanese tradition, is not your average green tea. Nor does it come in tea bags. Nor do you brew it, boil it, or consume the watery extract from leaves.
When you drink real stone-ground Japanese Matcha, you're not only drinking the arguably highest-quality, most carefully cultivated green tea variety, you're actually consuming it all -- you're eating the whole thing, you're drinking the green tea leaf itself, whole, in powdered form mixed with hot (but not boiling!) water. The powder itself is so rich in chlorophyl (from the shade growing) that it's literally bright green, and when mixed with water it becomes a rich, bitter-sweet, Kermit-colored concoction whose effects you can actually FEEL almost immediately after drinking a cup (or small bowl, if doing it the traditional Japanese way) of it.
Perhaps best known as the traditional, ceremonial drink tightly interwoven with the Buddhist ceremonies and tradition, Matcha's unique effects on the brain were a perfect fit for those monks in Japan preparing to endure 12-hour straight meditation sessions: calming and focusing while stimulating at the same time, it's no wonder that Matcha became integrated into the monks' meditative practices (thanks in large part to the amino acid L-Theanine).
And when you drink real Matcha yourself, you too will...understand.
But as Matcha has become more known (and researched) in the West recently, even more exciting are the health properties being discovered and reported (and yes, now marketed as buzzwords by tea companies..have you seen that EGCG commercial for a bottled green tea maker?). You've probably already heard about many of the health benefits of green tea in general, so imagine those benefits amplified exponentially (up to 10x or more!) in the case of you're drinking an extremely concentrated, ultra-high quality form, straight. Antioxidants, catechins, vitamins such as C and A, even Fluoride. And the meditatively calming yet focusing effects of L-Theanine.
But perhaps best known is EGCG: Epigallocatechin Gallate, a compound found uniquely in green teas which has been shown to possess almost unbelievable anti-cancer, anti-aging and overall health much so that 'EGCG' has become a health marketing buzzword for tea companies. Here's where Matcha is really unprecedented: Matcha contains exponentially higher amounts of EGCG than regular brewed green tea (including high-quality fresh Sencha green tea). Matcha also has over 33 times the antioxidant levels of antioxidant powerhouse blueberries(!)...hard to believe, but real.
So if you're looking for a great way to get a veritable blast of antioxidants (not to mention EGCG, vitamins, minerals, etc.), boost your brain with Zen-like concentration and physical benefits, it's hard to beat Matcha. And you can't get that with a tea bag.
A word of warning: not all Matcha is created equal! There are many non-Japanese (as well as Japanese) products out there called 'Matcha' that are often nothing more than powdered low-quality green tea, or worse, a mixture of ingredients with artificial green coloring(!). The stone grinding method is also very important, as low-quality Matcha is sometimes 'exploded' instead of stone-ground, reducing the health properties.

4) Acai berries & Blueberries (tie)

On the comprehensive health benefits from the highly unusual South American native berry called Acai...a berry that possesses not only all of the antioxidant, vitamin and brain benefits of other purple berries such as blueberries and blackberries but also (oddly, for a berry) contains Essential Fatty Acids like Omega-3's like salmon, and and is even high in protein.
Sounds like a a true superfood, right? It is. With proven ORAC antioxidant levels higher than any other berry ever tested, Acai's unique combination of health properties make it a true superfood for brain and body. Of course, we're talking about fresh Acai berries here...not some local generic health food shop pills claiming to contain Acai. And that's where the challenge can come in (hence our research and report on the best Acai products that we published recently), as Acai needs to be quickly processed (flash-freeze dried, flash-frozen, etc.) and maintained and processed if you're to get the full benefits of this berry outside of South America.
Fortunately, companies like Sambazon and Bolthouse have created amazing local growing and processing facilities to do exactly that, and we can now buy great Acai in various forms in the U.S., Australia, Europe and beyond these days including our personal favorite: the  Sambazon organic Acai powder (their 'PowerScoop' product) as well as in Sambazon and Bolthouse refrigerated juice blends.

Then there's blueberries: it didn't seem fair to leave this time-honored, well-researched superfood off the list, particularly given its reputation as the 'brain berry' and its wide availability in fresh, original form (compared to Acai). And given how relatively easy it is to add blueberries to your daily diet, the combination of proven health benefits with ready availability make it a no-brainer to consider eating blueberries daily if possible. Think about it: what would your brain health, brain abilities, disease/risk profile, and overall health be like 5 or 10 or 20 years from now if you consumed blueberries every day? Exactly...

5) Coffee beans

Ah, coffee. So popular, so ubiquitous, yet still so surprisingly misunderstood when it comes to "healthy or not". How can this be?
You'd think that virtually everyone would be an expert on coffee these days, given the explosion of coffee chains like Starbucks over the last decade. Perhaps it's because the situation is much like chocolate: the coffee bean, much like the cacao bean, is incredibly rich with antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Fresh-ground gently roasted coffee bean powder (again, like with cacao) has numerous brain and body health benefits...yes, including the caffeine content which has recently been shown to be GOOD for the brain, not bad, and particularly in the area of antioxidants. Regular coffee consumption has been shown to actually reduce the risk of mental decline and diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer's, and has also recently been found to be (shockingly) the "#1 source of antioxidants in the average American diet"...showing at once how health food-deprived the average diet continues to be while illustrating the surprising health benefits of something as common as coffee.
So where's the controversy and confusion? The problem comes in when coffee is combined with other unhealthy things, as is so commonly done: triple-carmel-double-whip-chocolate-creme-mocha-blast-freeze drinks, weak over-extracted brewed cheap poor quality coffee, coffee loaded up with artificial cream and sweeteners, you know the drill. Compare such carb, chemical and fat-laden concoctions with, say, a high-quality organic coffee freshly ground into an Espresso-grade powder and served as a couple shots of fresh espresso, straight? No comparison. This should be obvious, but surprisingly, many or even most people still don't get it.
Equally odd is that for many people, coffee is still viewed as a 'vice', something bad for you, something 'naughty' that should be if it were akin to smoking cigarettes or pounding shots of tequila. The origin of this bizarre thinking comes partially from the effects of the caffeine (and other elements) which contribute to the stimulating effects of drinking coffee, and yes, for some people, coffee is contraindicated due to sensitivity to caffeine or gastrointestinal effects that coffee can sometimes produce.
But generally speaking, the coffee bean is a safe, true superfood. And when properly consumed in ideal forms (such as pure Espresso), it's one uniquely enjoyable beverage that also packs a host of brain and health-friendly properties to boot!

So there you have it: a simple list of 5 brain health (and overall healthy) foods to consider adding to your diet (barring any allergies or contraindications) if you're interested in optimum brain health, overall health and longevity, and optimal aging.
It's important to note however that none of these foods nor any other food, drink, supplement or drug is a "wonder drug" that will produce miracles, especially overnight. There's no magic cure or wonder drug or superfood panacea that one should consume at the expense of an overall healthy diet and lifestyle, nor should you have unrealistic expectations around what any one of food can do for you. Rather, the foods cited here (like other healthy foods) are foods which have been shown to be particularly, often uniquely, beneficial when consumed consistently in moderation over time along with the rest of a healthy diet. And given that science is still in the comparative early days of understanding the complex mechanisms by which foods and nutrients affect the brain and body, it is likely that the subtle, complex interactions and combinations between several healthy food sources, combined with other healthy lifestyle practices such as exercise/healthy social interaction/genetic disposition and other factors, all work synergistically together to "balance the odds" in favor of (or against, if your diet is poor) optimum health.
Therefore, it's not enough to think "okay, I've added Matcha to my diet...I'm done!". That's why we here at BrainReady try to incorporate all of these five brain-friendly foods into the daily diet, along with other healthy foods and in combination with brain exercises, physical exercise, and overall well-being practices.
Nonetheless, these 5 foods are a great way to get started if you're interested in keeping your brain and body healthy as you age, and or more of them just might make that critical difference in your current and future health. So why not tip the scale in your favor, and feel great while doing it?
READ MORE - Brain Health Foods

Fighting Breast Cancer With Vegetarian Food

Breast cancer is a complicated disease. But studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can help some women reduce their risk of cancer and can also increase chances of survival.
A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology reinforced existing evidence that women with breast cancer can greatly reduce their risk of recurrence by eating a healthy plant-based diet rich in fruits and vegetables and making other healthy lifestyle choices.
The study, conducted by researchers with the University of California, San Diego, tracked dietary patterns and exercise habits among about 1,500 women who were diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer between 1991 and 2000. It found that the death rate for women who consumed a high-fiber diet rich in fruits and vegetables and practiced good exercise habits was 44 percent lower than the rate for women who exercised little and ate few plant-based foods.
The Women’s Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) study showed that women previously treated for breast cancer who consume at least five fruit and vegetable servings per day and are physically active have a nearly 50 percent reduction in mortality risk.
The WHEL study included more than 3,000 pre- and postmenopausal women. Half the participants (the intervention group) were asked to have five vegetable servings, 16 ounces of vegetable juice, and three fruit servings daily, as part of a low-fat, high-fiber diet. A comparison group was asked to consume at least five fruit and vegetable servings per day.
After seven years, those women in the comparison group who followed the guideline of eating at least five fruit and vegetable servings daily and who were physically active turned out to have nearly a 50 percent lower rate of mortality, compared with women who did not meet these healthful guidelines.
A 2005 National Cancer Institute study found that breast cancer patients in the study who reduced their fat consumption lowered their risk of tumor recurrence by as much as 42 percent. High-fat foods, including beef, vegetable oils, and chicken, can boost the hormones that promote cancer cell growth. But most plant-based foods are naturally low in fat and offer people a healthy way to stay slim.
Researchers followed 2,437 postmenopausal breast cancer patients for five years after standard surgery and cancer treatments. They instructed 1,462 of the patients to continue their regular diets, while 975 patients were given intensive counseling with a dietitian to reduce their fat intake. The control group consumed an average of 51.3 grams of fat per day, which is still lower than the average American’s fat intake. The low-fat group averaged 33.3 grams per day—slightly more than in a typical vegetarian diet. After five years, 12.4 percent of the women eating their usual diet had cancer recurrences, compared with only 9.8 percent of the low-fat diet group: that’s a 24 percent reduction in recurrence. Low-fat dieters with estrogen-negative tumors experienced a 42 percent reduction in recurrence.
In 1982, the National Research Council linked eating habits—particularly high-fat, meat-heavy diets—to cancer of the breast and other organs. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute recently reported that the rate of breast cancer among premenopausal women who ate the most animal fat was one-third higher than that of women who ate the least animal fat.
Consuming meat only increases a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. A study of postmenopausal Danish women looked at 378 women who developed breast cancer and matched them to control subjects who did not develop breast cancer. A higher intake of meat—including poultry and fish, as well as red meat and processed meat—was associated with a significantly higher breast cancer incidence rate.
Every 25 gram increase (about one ounce) in consumption of total meat, red meat, and processed meat led to a 9, 15, and 23 percent increase in risk of breast cancer, respectively. However, the degree of risk may depend on genetics. Certain genes activate the carcinogens (heterocyclic amines) found in cooked meat. The study showed that women with genes that rapidly activate these carcinogens are at particular risk of breast cancer if they eat meat.
There are more than 2 million breast cancer survivors in the United States, but many of these women eat fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, consume too much fat, and lead sedentary lifestyles.
Simply adding healthy foods to an otherwise poor diet, rather than getting rid of the troublemakers—meat, dairy products, and fried foods—may not offer the same benefits of adopting a fully plant-based diet. But science has repeatedly shown that a plant-based diet composed of legumes, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can help prevent cancer and cancer recurrence.
While scientists are hard at work searching for specific breast cancer-fighting compounds, the best approach is to apply what we already know: Diets that are highest in a variety of plant foods and stay away from heavy oils, meat, and dairy products help prevent many diseases. The earlier in life we start, the better.
Need help making dietary changes? Visit for delicious vegetarian recipes, information on nutrition and cooking classes, fact sheets on nutrition and cancer, DVDs, videos, books, and a free copy of The Cancer Project’s booklet Healthy Eating for Life: Food Choices for Cancer Prevention and Survival.
By Jennifer K. Reilly, R.D. The Cancer Project
READ MORE - Fighting Breast Cancer With Vegetarian Food

Rare and relaxed outing for new parents Penelope Cruz and husband Javier Bardem

One of Hollywood's most private couples made a rare and informal public appearance together in their home town this week.

Spanish superstars Penelope cruz and Javier Bardem arrived hand-in-hand for the opening of the 'Street of Stars' in Madrid on Monday.


As well as celebrating the unveiling of the Walk of Fame, the couple were presented with their own marble plaques on the walkway, located on Calle Martin de los Heros.

It was another lesson in post-pregnancy style from new mum Penelope, who welcome son LEO in January.

She draped her enviable figure in a burnt orange one-shouldered dress by Roksanda Ilincic, while her dapper husband chose a smart blue shirt and jeans.


In total 25 Spanish stars were honoured at the inauguration – 16 actors and nine directors.

Among that number, Penelope and Javier's good friend Pedro Almodovar, who happily posed alongside the cinematic golden couple.

Actor Antonio Banderas was also honoured at the event, although he was unable to attend in person. He did however send a message to the Spanish film academy saying he felt "very grateful and honoured" to receive his star.

It wasn't Penelope's first brush with pavement prestige.

In April she receiver the 2,436 th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – the inspiration for the Madrid tribute – making her the first Spanish woman to receive the honour.
READ MORE - Rare and relaxed outing for new parents Penelope Cruz and husband Javier Bardem

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Julia Roberts & Tom Hanks Premiere “Larry Crowne” in LA

They’re both massive movie stars in their own right, and earlier tonight (June 27) Julia Robert and Tom Hank were in the house to premiere their new flick “Larry Crowne.”
The “Pretty Woman” babe and the “Terminal” hunk showed up at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre to greet fans and press and to promote the soon-to-be-released movie
READ MORE - Julia Roberts & Tom Hanks Premiere “Larry Crowne” in LA

Linsay Lohan Court Fashion Face Off : Take Three!

Lindsay Lohan goes to court so much and looks so FINE doing a perp walk, we can't help but analyze her courtroom couture every other month or so.
Our last Linsay court fashion breakdown featured outfits that were more "bend me over a bench" than "may I approach the bench." Not this week.
While she failed an alcohol test (she blamed i on tea), Lohan actually had no obligation to be tested and did not break any laws or probation terms.
Here are photos of Lindsay yesterday and during her previous visit. She looks pretty, yet pulled together in both, but which outfit is your fave? Vote:

What's Lindsay Lohan's best courtroom look? From her fourth and fifth appearances of the year, that is? Vote here and decide!
READ MORE - Linsay Lohan Court Fashion Face Off : Take Three!

Usher wants Pippa Middleton as Face of New Lingeria Line

Usher has a new lingerie line coming out. Yes, really. That's a little surprising ... the fact that he wants Pippa Middleton to model for it? Who can argue.
The R&B singer has not made a formal offer, but is making an informal pitch by praising P. Middy in a recent interview regarding his new venture.
"I don't think there's a more beautiful, more stunning, more talked-about woman in the world at the moment,"  Usher gushed to Look magazine.
Aside from her own sister? Agreed!
Ursher PhotoGorgeous Pippa
"I'm going to be approaching her in the next few weeks and setting up a meeting this summer," the singer said of his potential "global brand."
"Everybody knows her now, [Pippa Middleton] would be perfect. I am sure everybody is trying to sign her up and she won't be cheap, but she has the looks and the popularity to really establish a new product."
No doubt. Wonder how Alex Loudon feels about this.
Usher's still-unnamed lingerie line is expected to debut this summer. While we sincerely doubt Pippa will strip down for it, there's no harm in asking.
Seriously, Ush, run with it. You never know. And no matter what, we at least we get to write "Pippa Middleton" and "lingerie" in the same story.
READ MORE - Usher wants Pippa Middleton as Face of New Lingeria Line

Madonna and Brahim Zaibat Couple Up in Paris

Madonna and Brahim Zaibat haven't publicly clarified their relationship status, per se ... but they did have quite the cozy weekend together in Paris!
Her Madgesty and her reported beau, who were first linked in early 2011, were seen dancing and dining just weeks after they supposedly broke up.
The pop superstar, 52, and the French break dancer, 24, arrived in Paris on Friday and dined at The Ritz's Espadon restaurant that evening ...
Brahim Zaibat PicHer Madgesty the Queen
On Saturday, Madonna was out on her own, flea marketing at Clignancourt's Marché aux Puces, before reuniting with Brahim Zaibat for a private dinner.
Also at the meal were Givenchy designer Riccardo Tisci, who did some of the Material Girl's Sticky & Sweet tour outfits, and model Mariacarla Boscono.
But the evening didn't end there: At midnight, the pair stopped in at the VIP Club for a few hours of disco fun. These two definitely seem like an item.
Madonna and Zaibat have been linked since last year, following her split from Jesus Luz ... who's the same age as Brahim. She certainly has a type.
READ MORE - Madonna and Brahim Zaibat Couple Up in Paris

William-Kate Visit Wimbledon

Days before embarking on their first North American tour, Prince William and Kate Middleton relaxed a little on Monday with a visit to Wimbledon.
The couple were greeted with an anthusiastic ovaiton as they took their seats in the front row of - where else - the Royal Box at Centre Court.
William and Kate, who fittingly wore a white Temperley London dress to the most traditional of tennis contests, blushed a little at the adulation:
The Duke and Duchess at Centre Court.
A spokesman at St. James's Palace said the couple, who honored UK troops at an event over the weekend, were at the sporting event "privately."
Kate Middleton loves tennis and plays regularly, having visited Wimbledon a number of times. William has been going to the event since he was a child.
They were in their seats around 1 p.m. in time to support the UK's own Andy Murray in his match against France's Richard Gasquet in the Round of 16.
Murray won. So did fans who got a glimpse of these adorable lovebirds.
READ MORE - William-Kate Visit Wimbledon

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Selena Gomez at The "Monte Carlo" Premiere

New York – Teen television star Selena Gomez looked all grown up on Thursday, June 23, as she walked the red carpet in New York to celebrate "Monte Carlo," her new feature-film comedy. Wearing a form-fitting, cleavage-revealing gown, the actress, who turns 19 in July, has obviously shed her childish ways.
She had to grow up a bit as she made the film, which centers around a case of mistaken identity. Gomez plays two parts: Grace, an American traveling in Europe with two girlfriends, and Cordelia, a rich British heiress. When Grace is mistaken for the heiress, the adventures that take them on a whirlwind trip from Paris to Monte Carlo begin.
But despite her long career as the star of the Disney television hit show "The Wizards of Waverly Place," playing two parts in a big studio movie was a bit of a scary challenge for the then 17-year-old girl.
"I was nervous as all get out," Gomez admitted to reporters at a press conference earlier in the week in New York. "I was really nervous because Cordelia is a totally different character from me. She was completely evil and had an accent. So, I was a little nervous, but I had a great time."
Gomez gushed over the couture clothes she wears in the film, but revealed that they, too, were just a bit intimidating.
"Grace's wardrobe was very Texan and very simple, but very pretty. Cordelia's was very intense. I mean, she wore really amazing dresses and jackets and glasses and purses and earrings. It was really fun to create that whole vibe," she recalled. "She was very high fashion. My personal clothes are just kind of simple. I like classic things."
She likes her current boyfriend, too, pop sensation Justin Bieber, and like any good companion, he joined her for her big night at the premiere, along with her "Monte Carlo" co-stars Katie Cassidy and Andie MacDowell. MacDowell made it a family affair, bringing her daughters Rainey and Sarah Margaret Qualley to the party.
READ MORE - Selena Gomez at The "Monte Carlo" Premiere

Daniel Craig, Rachel weisz date, marry quietly

LOS ANGELES – Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz, who play husband and wife in an upcoming film, have taken the roles to heart.
Robin Baun of Slate PR, which represents Craig, said Saturday that the actor and Weisz have married. She did not offer any details.
The British actors had been quietly dating. The wedding previously was reported by the British newspaper News of the World.
Craig is the latest James Bond and will star in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Weisz won an Academy Award for "The Constant Gardener" and starred in "The Mummy."
The pair costar as a married couple in the unreleased film "Dream House."
The 43-year-old Craig had a longtime girlfriend, Satsuki Mitchell, and has a daughter from a previous relationship. The 41-year-old Weisz was in a relationship with director Darren Aronofsky ("Black Swan"), with whom she has a son
READ MORE - Daniel Craig, Rachel weisz date, marry quietly